




  1. 「事実を言え」 広告においては、誇張や誤解を招く表現は避け、正確な情報を伝えることが大切です。
  2. 「消費者の立場に立て」 広告は消費者目線で制作し、消費者の関心やニーズに合わせたコミュニケーションを行うことが必要です。
  3. 「効果を追え」 広告に投下した費用に対する効果をきちんと計測し、改善を繰り返すことが重要です。
  4. 「差別化せよ」 自社製品やサービスが他社とどのように異なるか、明確に訴求することが必要です。
  5. 「相手を知れ」 ターゲットとなる消費者層の特徴やニーズを理解し、それに合わせたコミュニケーションを行うことが大切です。
  6. 「ユニークな提案をせよ」 他社との差別化を図るために、ユニークなアイデアや提案を行うことが必要です。
  7. 「タイミングを見極めろ」 広告を出すタイミングや媒体の選択など、コミュニケーションのタイミングを見極めることが重要です。
  8. 「ストーリーを語れ」 単に商品やサービスをアピールするのではなく、ストーリー性のあるコミュニケーションを行うことで、消費者の心を掴むことができます。
  9. 「共感を得ろ」 消費者が自社製品やサービスに共感できるようなコミュニケーションを行うことが必要です。
  10. 「経営に貢献せよ」 広告やマーケティングは企業経営に貢献するものであり、その成果を上げることが重要です。















Dentsu’s Ten Oni’s Rules for Marketing
Selling is an important part of doing business.

In other words, marketing.

This is where the Dentsu Ten Oni Jissoku (Dentsu’s Ten Oni Rules) comes in handy.

The “Dentsu Ten Oni’s Rules” are the basic principles of marketing advocated by Dentsu, an advertising agency. The following is a summary of each rule and its contents.

In advertising, it is important to convey accurate information, avoiding exaggeration and misleading expressions.
Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes.
It is important to measure the effectiveness of your advertising expenditures and make repeated improvements.
Differentiate your products and services from those of other companies.
It is important to understand the characteristics and needs of your target consumers and tailor your communications accordingly.
Unique ideas and proposals are necessary to differentiate your products and services from those of other companies.
It is important to determine the timing of communication, including the timing of advertisements and the choice of media.
Tell a story” Rather than simply promoting products and services, communication with a story behind it will help win the hearts and minds of consumers.
Communicate in a way that consumers can empathize with your products and services.
Contribute to management” Advertising and marketing should contribute to the management of the company.

Tel’s Thoughts
Tell enrolled in an MBA at Michigan State University.
The number one thing he learned there was marketing.
Marketing backed by statistics.
A famous marketing textbook was Kotler’s
Marketing Management.
Not just marketing, but marketing management.
Marketing is segmentation.
It is the process of selecting the target consumers of a product and selling it thoroughly.
Why is management attached to marketing?
This is the key point.
Toyota’s car sales were developed by a man named Kamiya, who studied GM’s marketing and applied it to Toyota’s car sales.
The reason is that he studied GM’s marketing and applied it to Toyota’s car sales.
He studied GM’s marketing and applied it to Toyota’s car sales.
For young people, it is the Corolla. Then, even the name of the company is added to the name of the location and the name of the company, Corolla Sales.
So the marketing of selling cars is segmented to the name of the company.
management is to segment the marketing of car sales to the company name.
Tell was in charge of advertising at Mitsui’s real estate company.
The agencies were Yomiuri Advertising and Diamond Agency.
The corporate identity defined the rehousing.
I had heard from the ad agency that Dentsu was great.
I was told that Dentsu is the sole supplier of broadcast slots for newspapers, radio, and television, so you can’t run ads without going through Dentsu.
Both Hollimon and Tachibana talked about the greatness of Dentsu on YouTube.
Explain the sales of online ads by company.
I asked ChatGPT about online ad sales for ad agencies.

The online advertising market is expanding rapidly, and many companies are entering the market. The following is a partial explanation of online ad sales for major Japanese ad agencies and Internet companies.

Dentsu: In FY2020, the digital field accounted for about 352.5 billion yen (approx. 30%) of group sales, mainly in video and SNS advertising.

Hakuhodo DY Holdings (Hakuhodo): In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, the digital advertising business will generate approximately 68.3 billion yen in sales, accounting for about 40% of total group sales.

CyberAgent: Of the net sales for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, the Internet advertising business will generate approximately 47.9 billion yen, accounting for about 36% of the group’s total net sales.

Google: Advertising revenue in the second quarter of 2021 was approximately US$50.4 billion (approximately 5.6 trillion yen), mainly from search advertising and YouTube advertising.

Facebook: Advertising revenue for the second quarter of 2021 was approximately $29.3 billion, mainly from social networking services such as Facebook and Instagram.

Many other companies are also operating in the online advertising market.