




  1. 小説やストーリー関連のジャンル:特にロマンス、スリラー、ミステリー、SFなど、読者が一気に読み進めたくなるようなジャンルが人気です。
  2. 自己啓発書やビジネス書:人気のあるビジネス書や自己啓発書は、成功や成長に関心を持つ読者にとって価値があるものとされています。
  3. 子供向けの本:子供向けの絵本や教育的な本は、子育て中の親たちから需要があります。
  4. ヘルスケアやフィットネス:健康やフィットネスに興味のある人々には、ダイエットやトレーニングに関する本が人気です。
  5. 料理や食べ物に関する本:料理や食べ物に興味のある人たちにとっては、レシピ集や食文化に関する本が人気があります。





    1. 「7つの習慣」 スティーブン・R・コヴィー
    2. 「思考は現実化する」 ジェームズ・アレン
    3. 「超一流の人の思考法」 岡田准一
    4. 「プロダクトマネジメント」 ノーマン・ビグスビー
    5. 「ピクサー流 創造する力」 エド・キャットマル
    6. 「ハッピー・マネー」 ケン・ホーゲ
    7. 「夢をかなえるゾウ」 岸見一郎
    8. 「思考は現実を創る」 ルイーズ・L・ヘイ
    9. 「プレゼン上手になりたい人のための スライドデザイン入門」 藤本裕
    10. 「ハイパフォーマンス・マインド」 ジェフ・ハグマン


自己啓発書やビジネス書 自分で本を書くのにおすすめのタイトルを10個作成してください


  1. 「自分の才能を開花させるための法則」
  2. 「成功する人が実践する時間の使い方」
  3. 「ビジネスマンが知っておきたい心理学の基礎」
  4. 「自分を変えるための5つのステップ」
  5. 「自分の強みを見つけて、成功につなげる方法」
  6. 「自分にとって最高の働き方とは何か」
  7. 「ビジネスで成功するためのメンタルトレーニング」
  8. 「失敗を成功につなげるための思考法」
  9. 「リーダーシップの基礎と実践」
  10. 「自分のライフワークを見つけるためのヒント」




第1章 はじめに

第2章 時間の使い方の基本

第3章 仕事の時間の使い方

第4章 プライベートの時間の使い方

第5章 時間の使い方の習慣化

第6章 時間を活かした成功事例

第7章 まとめ


第1章 はじめに ・本書の目的や概要の説明 ・時間の重要性についての説明  上記の詳細を考えてください







1 おすすめジャンルをChatGPTに聞く

2 ジャンルの中から一つ選んで、そのおすすめタイトルを十個 ChatGPTに聞く

3 そのタイトルのなかから一つ選んで、自分で書くのにいいタイトルを十個 ChatGPTに聞く

4 そのタイトルの一つを選んで、本のその構成を ChatGPTに聞く

5 具体的な章立てがでてくるので、一つずつ章の詳細をChatGPTに考えてもらう。





















I want to sell ebooks on Amazon Kindle, what genre do you recommend?

I asked this of my secretary, Mr. ChatGPT.

The answer is as follows.

‘When selling e-books on Amazon Kindle, I recommend the following genres

Novels and story-related genres: Especially popular are romance, thriller, mystery, science fiction, and other genres that readers will want to read in one sitting.
Self-help and business books: Popular business and self-help books are considered valuable by readers interested in success and growth.
Children’s books: Children’s picture books and educational books are in demand by parents raising children.
Health care and fitness: Books on diet and training are popular among those interested in health and fitness.
Cooking and food books: For those interested in cooking and food, recipe collections and books about food culture are popular.

These genres are generally in demand and therefore suitable for selling e-books. However, they are highly competitive and may require a unique approach, such as adding new ideas.”

Create 10 self-help or business book recommended titles

Here are 10 of the most popular self-help and business book titles.

The Seven Habits, Stephen R. Covey.
Thoughts Become Reality by James Allen
How the Best Think.
Product Management” by Norman Bigsby
The Power to Create, Pixar Style” Ed Catmull
Happy Money” Ken Hoge
The Elephant That Makes Dreams Come True Ichiro Kishimi
Thoughts Create Reality” Louise L. Hay
Introduction to Slide Design for People Who Want to Be Great Presenters” Yutaka Fujimoto
The High Performance Mind, Jeff Hagman

These books have been read and well received by many. They are considered to be packed with useful information and ideas for those interested in business and self-development.

Self-help and business books Create 10 recommended titles for writing your own book.

The following are 10 recommended titles to help you write your own self-help or business book.

The Laws of Self-Development: “Developing Your Talents.”
How Successful People Practice Time”
The Fundamentals of Psychology Every Businessman Needs to Know.
Five Steps to Transform Yourself.
Discover your strengths and how they can help you succeed.
What is the best way to work for yourself?
Mental Training for Business Success.
How to Think Your Way Through Failure to Success.
Fundamentals and Practices of Leadership
Tips for Finding Your Life’s Work.

These titles can be written using your own experience and knowledge, and can provide useful information to readers with similar interests. However, it is important to add new ideas and unique perspectives.

How Successful People Spend Their Time: How to Structure This Book

The structure of “How Successful People Spend Their Time” could be organized as follows

Chapter 1: Introduction
Explanation of the purpose and outline of this book
∙ Explanation of the importance of time

Chapter 2: Basics of Time Use
Basic concept of time management
Tips on how to avoid wasting time
Tips on how to prioritize

Chapter 3: How to use time at work
How to work efficiently
How to maintain work-life balance
How to improve concentration

Chapter 4: How to use your private time
How to make the most of your personal time
How to take time for hobbies and relaxation
Balancing time with family and friends

Chapter 5: Making Habits of Time Use
How to continuously improve the way you spend your time
Key points to make it a habit

Chapter 6: Successful Cases of People Making the Most of Their Time
Case studies of successful people’s use of time
Common points of time usage necessary for success

Chapter 7 Summary
Summary of the key points on how to use time introduced in this book
Action plan for improving time usage

With the above structure, the reader can cover a wide range of topics, from basic ideas on how to use time effectively, to how to use time at work and in one’s personal life, how to make time a habit, and case studies on how successful people use their time. In addition, by providing an action plan at the end, readers can be provided with tips on how to actually improve the way they use their time.

Chapter 1 Introduction – Explanation of the purpose and overview of this document – Explanation of the importance of time Think about the details above.

Consider the following details for Chapter 1.

Explanation of the purpose and outline of this document
This section provides a description of the information this document will provide to the reader. It introduces the purpose for which this book was written, the type of reader it is intended for, and the topics and chapters that it covers. By clarifying what readers can expect from this book, we hope to capture their attention and keep them interested in the book.

Explaining the Importance of Time
This section provides an explanation of the importance of time. We explain that time is a limited resource, and how we use it can make a big difference in our lives. It also tells readers that by using time effectively, they can avoid stress, frustration, and failure. We try to keep readers interested by suggesting that they can get some tips on how to use their time effectively by reading this book.

As described above, the first chapter of the book provides an overview of the purpose of the book and an explanation of the importance of time, thereby communicating to the reader the value of reading this book.

In this way, the book is created. I mostly ask ChatGPT.

It’s a great time, isn’t it?

1 Ask ChatGPT for recommended genres.

2 Choose one of the genres and ask ChatGPT for ten of its recommended titles

3 Pick one of those titles and ask ChatGPT for ten good titles to write about yourself

4 Choose one of those titles and ask ChatGPT for that structure of the book

5 Ask ChatGPT to come up with the details of the chapters, one by one, as the specific chapters come up.

In summary: If you can do all this, the book is easy.

If you apply this, you can make a book and sell it in the Amazon e-bookstore.

Notes on using ChatGPT

ChatGPT says mistakes quite clearly and confidently.

So, if you write the text as you are told, you will be spreading wrong information.

So, it is essential to check the content.

When I asked ChatGPT to recommend stocks for AI, the US stocks were fairly good, but the Japanese stocks were not.

However, for Japanese stocks, the stocks, numbers, and contents were wrong.

Be careful with Japanese information.

I recommend that you ask ChatGPT in English.

The procedure is

1. summarize what you want to ask in Japanese

2. Translate it into English using Google Translate

3. Check if the English is correct

4. Input the English into ChatGPT.

5. Ask ChatGPT to convert the English into Japanese

6. Japanese needs to be checked carefully.

It seems that English is more detailed than Japanese.

I actually tried it and confirmed it.