



  1. ブログの文章をまとめる
  2. 電子出版プラットフォームに登録する
    電子出版プラットフォームに登録し、電子書籍として販売するための手続きを行います。代表的なプラットフォームには、Amazon Kindle Direct Publishingや楽天Kobo、Google Playブックスなどがあります。
  3. カバーやイラストを作成する
  4. 費用と価格の設定
  5. 販売促進のための施策
  6. なお、電子書籍の販売における利益は、販売価格からプラットフォームの手数料や制作費を差し引いたものとなります。具体的な数字はプラットフォームによって異なりますが、自己出版による電子書籍の場合、1冊あたり数百円から1,000円程度の利益が見込めることがあります。





    1. 制作にかかる費用が少ない
    2. 制作期間が短い
    3. 制作から販売までの手間が少ない


  1. 原稿の作成
  2. 電子書籍フォーマットへの変換
  3. カバーやイラストの作成
  4. 電子書籍プラットフォームへの登録
    自己出版の場合、電子書籍プラットフォームに登録することで、電子書籍プラットフォームにはAmazon Kindle Direct Publishing(KDP)、Rakuten Kobo Writing Life、Gumroad、Smashwordsなどがあります。これらのプラットフォームに登録し、作品を販売するための設定を行います。販売設定には、価格の設定や販売地域の設定、ロイヤリティの設定などが含まれます。また、これらのプラットフォームは、読者からの評価やレビューの投稿も受け付けており、自分の作品をより多くの読者にアピールすることができます。
  5. 販売方法としては、直接プラットフォームから購入する方法のほか、自分のウェブサイトやブログなどを活用して販売する方法もあります。また、SNSなどを活用して、自分の作品を紹介し、読者を集めることもできます。
  6. 自己出版による電子書籍を販売する場合、価格設定は非常に重要な要素です。価格が高すぎると購入意欲が減退する可能性があり、低すぎると作品の価値を低く見られる恐れがあります。また、プラットフォームから得られるロイヤリティも考慮し、適切な価格を設定する必要があります。
  7. 自己出版による電子書籍の販売には、それなりのマーケティング努力が必要となります。自分の作品を紹介するためのウェブサイトやブログを作成し、SNSなどを活用して、自分の作品を紹介することが重要です。また、読者からのフィードバックを受け取り、作品の改良に努めることも大切です。


















I want to e-publish based on my blog. I need your specific expertise on costs, sales, etc.

(I asked ChatGPT)

If you want to e-publish based on your blog, the following steps are possible

Putting together the text of the blog
First, compile the text of the blog and prepare a manuscript for publication as an e-book. At this point, it is important to make sure that the text is as easy to read as the blog and that the table of contents and chapters are easy to understand.
Register with an e-publishing platform
Register with an e-publishing platform and follow the procedures for selling your book as an e-book. Typical platforms include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Rakuten Kobo, and Google Play Books.
Creating covers and illustrations
E-book covers and illustrations are important elements to attract readers. You can design them yourself or hire a professional designer to do it for you.
Costs and Pricing
Some platforms charge a fee for selling e-books. There may also be an additional cost to commission illustrations or covers. After understanding the costs, set the price of the e-book and anticipate sales.
Sales Promotion Measures
Blogs and SNS are effective ways to promote sales of e-books. In addition, by posting promotional videos and reader reviews, you can attract more readers.
The profit from e-book sales is calculated by subtracting the platform’s commission and production costs from the sales price. Specific figures vary from platform to platform, but in the case of self-published e-books, a profit of several hundred yen to 1,000 yen per book can be expected.

These are the general steps and know-how for e-publishing based on a blog.

Self-published e-books, explained in detail

Self-published e-books refer to e-books produced and sold by authors themselves, without the need for a publisher. Self-publishing has the following advantages

Low production costs.
With self-publishing, authors do not need to submit manuscripts to publishers, which reduces the costs associated with editing, proofreading, and layout. Also, unlike a paper book, there are no printing costs, so the production costs of an e-book are relatively low.
Short production time
Because you produce the e-book yourself, without a publisher, the production time is shorter than for a paper book. In addition, revisions and amendments can be made freely, allowing for flexibility.
Less hassle from production to sales
With self-publishing, it is relatively easy to start selling your e-book by registering it with an e-book platform. In addition, commissions for sales are generally low because there is no publisher involved.

The following steps are required to produce a self-published e-book

Creating the manuscript
First, create a manuscript of your own writing or artwork. At this point, revise and proofread the text as carefully as possible.
Conversion to e-book format
Next, the manuscript must be converted to an e-book format in order to sell it as an e-book. Major formats include EPUB and MOBI.
Creating covers and illustrations
E-book covers and illustrations are important elements to catch the reader’s attention. You can design them yourself or hire a professional designer.
Register with an e-book platform
For self-publishing, you can register with an e-book platform. E-book platforms include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Rakuten Kobo Writing Life, Gumroad, and Smashwords. Register with these platforms and set up your work for sale. Sales setup includes setting prices, sales territories, royalties, and more. These platforms also accept ratings and reviews from readers, allowing you to promote your work to a wider audience.
In addition to purchasing directly from the platform, there are other ways to sell your work, such as through your own website or blog. You can also use social networking sites to introduce your work and attract readers.
When selling self-published e-books, pricing is a very important factor. If the price is too high, people may be less inclined to buy, and if the price is too low, they may perceive the value of your work as low. You should also consider the royalties you receive from the platform and set an appropriate price.
Self-publishing e-books requires a good deal of marketing effort. It is important to create a website or blog to showcase your work and to use social networking sites to promote your work. It is also important to receive feedback from readers and work to improve your work.

Self-publishing e-books requires a lot of know-how, but it can be a rewarding and potentially profitable source of income to get your own work out there.

Tell published How to Learn English Conversation on Amazon.

Tell has published an e-book on Amazon of How to Learn English Conversation since he studied abroad.

It used to be 500 yen, but now it is 300 yen.

It is difficult to set the price.

The competition is fierce in the English conversation field.

Cautions for using ChatGPT

ChatGPT says mistakes quite clearly and confidently.

Therefore, if you make sentences as you are told, you will spread wrong information.

So, it is essential to check the content.

When I asked ChatGPT to recommend stocks for AI, the US stocks were fairly good, but the Japanese stocks were not.

However, for Japanese stocks, the stocks, numbers, and contents were wrong.

Be careful with Japanese information.

By the way, if you want to know the citation, Perplexityai is good.

ChatGPT is easy to use, but it doesn’t seem to have the most recent information.

It might be better to use both.